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Regensburg in brief

Here you can find an overview of the most important data about the City of Regensburg. Indicated are the latest available numbers. The state is shown in the particular footnote. You can find more detailed information in german at our internet pages or in our printed publications.


Geographical location
(northern tower of the cathedral; WGS 84)
49° 01' 10'' N
12° 05' 52'' E
Land area 8,070 ha
Largest north-south extent 12.18 km
Largest east-west extent 12.07 km
Highest elevation
(water supply reservoir north of the church of Keilberg)
471 m above sea level
Lowest elevation
(southern bank of the Danube, opposit of Schwabelweis; Danube km 2,372.5)
326 m above sea level
Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) 337 m above sea level

Population 1)

Population 2) 168,426
of which Male 2) 82,737
Female 2) 85,689
of which German 2) 140,670
Foreigners 2) 27,756
of which Foreigners from the EU 2) 12,537
of which under 6 years 2) 8,190
6 to under 15 years 2) 10,693
15 to under 25 years 2) 26,223
25 to under 45 years 2) 55,909
45 to under 65 years 2) 40,425
65 years or over 2) 26,986
Births 3) 1,592
Deaths 3) 1,493
Migration inflow 3) 17,706
Migration outflow 3) 15,865
Interior migration 3) 10,847

Building and Housing

Residential buildings 4) 22,396
Dwellings 4) 89,636
of which with 1 or 2 residential rooms 4) 20,058
with 3 residential rooms 4) 23,221
with 4 residential rooms 4) 23,489
with 5 or more residential rooms 4) 22,868
Building permissions
for new residential buildings
Buildings 5) 247
Dwellings 5) 1,272
Building completion
for new residential buildings
Buildings 5) 226
Dwellings 5) 1,581

Economy and Labour Market

Unemployed 6) 7) 5,769
Unemployment rate 6) 8) 2.9
Job vacancies 6) 9) 3,867


Registered motor vehicles 10) 11) 94,914
of which Passenger cars 10) 78,890
Heavy goods vehicles 10) 12) 8,872
Motorcycles 10) 7,152

Education 13)

Facilities for children Nursery school Number of facilities 14) 20
Capacity 14) 500
After-school care club Number of facilities 14) 20
Capacity 14) 934
Cared for children 14) 924
Schools Grundschulen
(Primary school)
Number of facilities 14) 18
Classes 14) 184
Pupils 14) 4,140
Haupt- und Mittelschulen
(Secondary school with 5 grades)
Number of facilities 14) 8
Classes 14) 107
Pupils 14) 2,255
(Secondary school with 6 grades)
Number of facilities 14) 5
Classes 14) 93
Pupils 14) 2,611
(High school)
Number of facilities 14) 8
Classes 14) 202
Pupils 14) 7,800
(Special school)
Number of facilities 14) 7
Classes 14) 105
Pupils 14) 1,037
Berufs- und
(Vocational schools)
Number of facilities 14) 28
Classes 14) 516
Pupils 14) 11,574
Colleges and Universities College for catholic church music Students 15) 65
Polytechnic Students 15) 6,458
University Students 15) 17,672

City Budget 16)

Administrative budget Revenues 17) 470,504
Expenditures 17) 470,504
Capital budget Revenues 17) 153,811
Expenditures 17) 153,811
Debt level 4) 112,877

1)  People with principal and secondary residence.
2)  state: December 2018
3)  state: year 2018
4)  state: December 2017
5)  state: year 2014
6)  state: January 2019
7)  Hauptagentur Regensburg (City and County of Regensburg)
8)  Hauptagentur Regensburg (City and County of Regensburg)
9)  Hauptagentur Regensburg (City and County of Regensburg)
10)  state: August 2018
11)  without trailers;
without decommissioned vehicles
12)  including special-purpose vehicles and buses
13)  The data of the schools references to the school year, which begins in the autumn of the year.
14)  state: year 2009
15)  state: winter semester 2009/10
16)  in 1,000 EUR
17)  state: year 2008

SiS - Statistics Information System of the City of Regensburg